Title: The Cochran Firm Atlanta
1The Cochran
September 2019
2Hezekiah Sistrunk Jr.s achievements have been
recognized with 19 Honors and Awards. Choose the
Cochran Firm Atlanta for world-class
representation. Read all about his
achievements, on https//profiles.superlawyers.co
34cb-9c8c-4996-b9e5-6713a28f353c.html TheCochran
FirmAtlanta AttorneyHezekiahSi strunkJr
LitigationOfComplexDisputes CommonLaw
StatutoryLaw ContractLawTrialLawyer
ProductLiabilityLaw CommercialIssues
CorporateAndBusinessIssues CatastrophicPersonalI
njuryCases ClassActionPharmaceuticalLitigation
3Atlantans know a little bit about pot holes!
Poorly maintained roads and inadequate street
signs may contribute to an auto accident. If you
were injured in a car accident because of poor
maintenance or a damaged road, request a free
consultation at The Cochran Firm Atlanta by
calling (404) 222-9922. To know more
awyers/defective-road/ TheCochranFirmAtlanta
AutoAccident TheCochranFirmAtlantaAttorneys
DefectiveRoads PersonalInjury RoadAccidents
AutoAccidentLawyers CarAccident
CarAccidentAndInjuryLawyers AtlantaDefectiveRoad
470 Million Settlement with Conoco Phillips who
agreed to pay Florida residents whose property
was contaminated by a toxic plume that spread
from an old Agrico Chemical Company fertilizer
plant. To know more, visithttps//www.cochranfi
rmatlanta.com/our-results/ TheCochranFirmAtlanta
TheCochranFirmAtlantaAttorneys OurResults
FloridaResidents ProperyContamination
ToxicPlume AgricoChemicalCompany
FertilizerPlant EnvironmentalLitigation
5After being diagnosed with a health issue, it is
very important to be treated immediately. Medical
professionals may delay treatment at times. This
delayed treatment can affect your family,
employment, and most importantly, your health.
Let our experienced medical malpractice
attorneys help you in taking the first step.
Call The Cochran Firm Atlanta today for a free
consultation at (404) 222-9922.To know more
tice-attorneys/delayed-treatment/ TheCochranFirm
Atlanta TheCochranFirmAtlantaAttorneys
MedicalMalpractice AtlantaDelayedTreatmentMedica
lMalpracticeLawyers MedicalDiagnosis
DelayedTreatments DelayedMedicalTreatments
632.5 Million Settlement for passengers in a van
hit by a bus. One female client sustained severe
internal injuries which resulted in seven
reconstructive surgeries and TPN intravenous
nutrition for the remainder of her life. To know
more, visithttps//www.cochranfirmatlanta.com/ou
r-results/ TheCochranFirmAtlanta
TheCochranFirmAtlantaAttorneys InternalInjuries
ReconstructiveSurgeries VehicleAccidents
Accidents OurResults AutoAccidents
TruckAccidents VehicleAccidents
7A brain injury can be devastating and life
altering for you and your family. Our top Atlanta
Brain Injury Attorney Jane Lamberti talks about a
detailed Georgia Brain Injury Lawsuit
Process. Watch now to know more https//www.yout
ube.com/watch?vmnHIJnQO8O8 TheCochranFirmAtlant
a AttorneyJaneLamberti BrainInjury
MedicalMalpractices CatastrophicBrainInjury
8Swimming pool injuries can be traumatic. The
owners have a duty to provide safety for those
who are using the pools. Most swimming pool
accidents occur due to a poorly constructed pool
or negligence in maintaining the pool. If you or
your loved one gets injured while using a
swimming pool, you may have a swimming pool
drowning claim for compensation. Request a free
consultation at The Cochran Firm Atlanta by
calling (404) 222-9922. To know more
lity-lawyers/swimming-pool-drowning/ TheCochranF
irmAtlanta TheCochranFirmAtlantaAttorneys
AtlantaSwimmingPoolAccidentAndDrowningLawyers Sw
immingPoolAccidents NegligenceAct
SwimmingPoolAccidentLawyer SwimmingPoolAccident
9My clients are a part of me and a part of my
family. Shean Williams, the man behind the
great saying, believes that passion, law
expertise, and better results make him stand out
from other attorneys. Watch this video to know
more https//www.youtube.com/watch?vXeVqobA_OtQ
TheCochranFirmAtlanta AttorneySheanDWilliams
AutoAccidents MedicalMalpractices
CivilRightsLitigation TruckingLitigation
NursingHomeLitigation PremiseLiability
1055 Million Recovery for property damage and
personal injury to victims of a corporation's
toxic pollution. An entire neighborhood was
contaminated from exposure to the chemical
creosote. To know more about us,
lts/ TheCochranFirmAtlanta TheCochranFirmAtlant
aAttorneys PersonalInjuries CorporationToxicPoll
ution ChemcialCreosote OurResults
PropertyDamage PersonalInjusryVictims
ToxicPollutions EnvironmentalLitigation
11Despite his notoriety and list of famous clients
and friends, Johnnie Cochran never lost sight of
his mission to bring access to justice to people
from all walks of life. He was a true leader
with strong beliefs. To know more, visit
https//www.cochranfirmatlanta.com/ TheCochranFi
rmAtlanta TheCochranFirmAttorneys
TheLegalLegend JohnnieLCochran Tribute
TheLegacy RIP LegalVictory QuoteOfTheDay