Title: Introducing Gaia Grow System
1Introducing Gaia Grow System An easy urban
gardening kit using Hydroponic
46 705366766 info_at_getgia.com
2Gaia Grow System is a vertical farming kit that
allows you for urban farming without using soil
or hassle of watering plants. This is the best
solution for city people who wants to grow
vegetables on their own in a very small space.
3The Gaia Grow System is a self-watering
automatic vertical hydroponic kit.
4All the tools you need to become an urban
gardener come out-of-the-box. It couldn't be
easier to grow your own produce at home.
Gaia Grow System Kolstad Kyrkgata 51 Köpingsvik,
13174 Sweden Phone No - 46 705366766 Email -
hasse_at_getgaia.com, info_at_getgia.com Website -