Title: Level8 ys3
1Level 8
2estar enfadado con
to be angry with
3I am very angry with Susana.
4Estoy muy enfadado con Susana.
I am very angry with Susana.
to say
6 He says that he is very angry with Susana.
7Dice que está muy enfadado con Susana.
He says that he is very angry with Susana.
9 He tells me that he is very angry with Susana.
10Me dice que está muy enfadado con Susana.
He tells me that he is very angry with Susana.
11decir gtgt dijo
to tell gtgt told
12He told me that he was very angry with Susana.
13 Me dijo que estaba muy enfadado con Susana.
He told me that he was very angry with Susana.
14irse de viaje
to go on a trip
15 We are going on a trip.
16 Nos vamos de viaje.
We are going on a trip.
17 They say that they are going on a trip.
18Dicen que se van de viaje.
They say that they are going on a trip.
19 They tell me that they are going on a trip.
20Me dicen que se van de viaje.
They tell me that they are going on a trip.
21 They told me that they were going on a trip.
22Me dijeron que se iban de viaje.
They told me that they were going on a trip.
23de vacaciones
on holiday
24 I'm on holiday with my friends.
25Estoy de vacaciones con mis amigos.
I'm on holiday with my friends.
26decirgtgt dijo
to saygtgt said
27Susana said that she was on holiday with her
28Susana dijo que estaba de vacaciones con sus
Susana said that she was on holiday with her
29I don't want to go swimming.
30No quiero ir a nadar.
I don't want to go swimming.
31Andrew tells me that he doesn't want to go
32Andrew me dice que no quiere ir a nadar.
Andrew tells me that he doesn't want to go
33Andrew told me that he didn't want to go swimming.
34Andrew me dijo que no quería ir a nadar.
Andrew told me that he didn't want to go swimming.
35I said that I didn't want to go swimming.
36Dije que no quería ir a nadar.
Level 4
I said that I didn't want to go swimming.