Title: Level2 ys9
Do you want?
2Do you want to go shopping?
3Quieres ir de compras?
Do you want to go shopping?
4Yes, I want to go shopping.
5Sí, quiero ir de compras.
Yes, I want to go shopping.
6Do you want to go shopping today?
7Quieres ir de compras hoy?
Do you want to go shopping today?
8Sí, quiero.
Yes, I do (want).
Did you want?
10llamarle / llamarla
to call him/her
11Did you want to call him yesterday?
12Querías llamarle ayer?
Did you want to call him yesterday?
13Yes, I wanted to call him yesterday.
14Sí, yo quería llamarle ayer.
Yes, I wanted to call him yesterday.
15Did you want to call her last week?
16Querías llamarla la semana pasada?
Did you want to call her last week?
17Yes, I did (want).
18Sí, quería.
Yes, I did (want).
19ir al cine
to go to the movies
20Do you want to go to the movies?
21Quieres ir al cine?
Do you want to go to the movies?
22No, I dont want to go to the movies.
23No, no quiero ir al cine.
No, I dont want to go to the movies.
24Do you want to go to the movies now?
25Quieres ir al cine ahora?
Do you want to go to the movies now?
26No, I dont (want).
27No, no quiero.
No, I dont (want).
28Did you want to go to a basketball game last week?
29Querías ir a un partido de baloncesto la semana
Did you want to go to a basketball game last week?
30No, no quería.
No I didnt want.
31No, I didnt want to go to a basketball game last
32No, no quería ir a un partido de baloncesto la
semana pasada.
No, I didnt want to go to a basketball game last
33Did you want to go to a football game yesterday?
34Querías ir a un partido de fútbol ayer?
Did you want to go to a football game yesterday?
35Did you want?
Did you want?
to learn
38Did you want to learn English?
39Querías aprender inglés?
Did you want to learn English?
40No, I didnt want to learn English.
41No, no quería aprender inglés.
No, I didnt want to learn English.
42Tú querrás
You will want
43en el futuro
in the future
44You will want to learn English in the future.
45Tú querrás aprender inglés en el futuro.
You will want to learn English in the future.
46You dont want to learn English now, but you will
want to learn it in the future.
47Tú no quieres aprender inglés ahora, pero querrás
aprenderlo en el futuro.
You dont want to learn English now, but you will
want to learn it in the future.
48hablar conmigo
to talk to me
49You dont want to talk to me now, but you will
want to talk to me in the future.
50Tú no quieres hablar conmigo ahora, pero querrás
hablar conmigo en el futuro.
You dont want to talk to me now, but you will
want to talk to me in the future.