Title: What is Graphic Designing and its future scope (1)
1What is Graphic Designing and its Future Scope
2Web and Graphic Designing is a degree program of
three years. Some of the candidates also prefer
doing a crash course of a few months but that is
just too short to understand the real composition
of the discipline. As we all know that in the
modern world, presentations are very important.
3One needs to be presentable to attract more
people. Nowadays online presence is a must if one
needs to run a successful business. So, there is
a need for a website to reach out to all those
people. Ones website should convey the companys
ideology and concepts.
4Graphic Designing is what makes websites
attractive. With the help of graphic designing,
attractive layouts, illustrations, color
combination, etc, are executed very well. In the
degree of graphic designing, the students learn
different concepts of design, color, harmony,
coding, etc. Also, they are made familiar with
designing software of different sorts. Graphic
designing, indeed, has a lot of future scopes.
5In the area of graphic design one can become
Front end web developers, Web application
developers, Production artists, Back end web
developers, Senior web analysts, Graphic
designers, Design and layout analysts, User
experience (UX) designers, Creative Director,
User interface (UI) designers, Art directors,
Marketing specialists and Multimedia
artists/animators Product developers, Web
marketing analysts, etc.
6The graphic designers can either work as
freelancers of full-time employees. They can also
take up projects for different companies. In
short, it is not wrong to say that graphic
designing is indeed a discipline packed with
7For More Information
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- https//www.cgc.edu.in
- Chandigarh Group Of Colleges
- Sector 112, Landran Greater Mohali,Punjab
140307 ( INDIA)
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