Title: Factor Analysis - Statswork
1FACTOR ANALYSISThe analysis of variance is not
a mathematical theorem, but rather a convenient
method of arranging the arithmetic.- Ronald
2Factor Analysis Capabilities
- To simultaneously manage over hundred variables.
- Compensate for random error invalidity.
- Disentangles complex inter-relationships into
their major distinct regularities.
3Factor Analysis Through Inexpensive Its Costs,
- Its mathematical complications.
- Entails diverse numerous considerations in the
application. - Students unable to learn it in their formal
4Types Of Factor Analysis
- EFA (Exploratory Factor Analysis)
- EFA is the most common factor analysis method
used in multivariate statistics to uncover the
underlying structure of a relatively large set of
variables. - CFA (Common Factor Analysis)
- CFA is the second most preferred method to
extract the common variance and put them into
5- You can insert graphs from Google Sheets
6PCA (Principal Component Analysis)
Image Factoring
GLM (General Linear Model)
- The PCA starts by extracting maximum variance and
puts them into the first factor.
- GLM is the foundation for several statistical
tests like ANOVA, ANCOVA, and regression
- It uses the OLS Regression method to predict the
factor method is based on the correlation matrix.
7Maximum Likelihood Method
- It also uses the correlation matrix and has the
advantage to analyze statistical models with
different characters on the same basis.
Factor Loading Being the correlation coefficient
for the variable, factor loading explains
variance by the variable on that particular
factor. Factor Score It is all of rows and
columns used as an index of variables for further
8Eigen Values
Also known as characteristic roots, Eigenvalues
portray variance explained by that particular
factor out of the total variance. Rotation
method Rotation method is not affected by
Eigenvalues or the percentage of variance
extracted but it affects to make it more reliable
to understand the output.
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