Blood Clotting Disorder | Hematologist in Pune - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Blood Clotting Disorder | Hematologist in Pune


When a cut or injury occurs, the body stops the bleeding by forming a blood clot. However, the blood shouldn't clot when it's just moving through the body. Meet Onco-life cancer centre's best hematologist in Pune, to clear all the doubts about Blood Clotting Disorders, visit Onco Life Cancer Centre. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Blood Clotting Disorder | Hematologist in Pune

Blood Clotting Disorders(Hypercoagulable States)
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Blood Clotting Disorders (Hypercoagulable
States) Blood Clot Formation When a cut or
injury occurs, body stops the bleeding by forming
a blood clot. Proteins and particles in the
blood, called platelets, stick together to form
the blood clot. The process of forming a clot is
called Coagulation. Normal coagulation is
important during an injury, as it helps stop a
cut from bleeding and starts the healing
process. However, the blood shouldn't clot when
it's just moving through the body. If blood
tends to clot too much, it is referred to as a
hypercoagulable state or thrombophilia. Are
Hypercoagulable States Dangerous
? Hypercoagulable states can be dangerous,
especially when these conditions are not
properly identified and treated. People with
hypercoagulable states have an increased risk
for blood clots developing in the arteries (blood
vessels that carry blood away from the heart)
and veins (blood vessels that carry blood to the
heart). A clot inside a blood vessel is also
called a thrombus or an embolus. Blood clots in
the veins or venous system can travel through the
bloodstream and cause Deep Vein Thrombosis (a
blood clot in the veins of the pelvis, leg, arm,
liver, intestines or kidneys) or a Pulmonary
Embolus (blood clot in the lungs). Blood clots in
the arteries can increase the risk for stroke,
heart attack, severe leg pain, difficulty
walking, or even the loss of a limb. What Causes
Hypercoagulable States ? Hypercoagulable states
are usually genetic (inherited) or acquired
conditions. The genetic form of this disorder
means a person is born with the tendency to form
blood clots. Acquired conditions are usually a
result of surgery, trauma, medications or a
medical condition that increases the risk of
hypercoagulable states. Acquired Thrombosis causes
Malignancy Presence of a central venous catheter
Surgery, especially orthopedic
Trauma Pregnancy Oral contraceptives Hormone
replacement therapy Certain cancer therapies (eg,
tamoxifen, thalidomide, lenalidomide)
Immobilization Heart failure
Congenital heart disease Antiphospholipid
syndrome Older age 65 years Obesity Severe
liver disease Myeloproliferative
neoplasms Polycythemia vera, Essential
thrombocythemia Paroxysmal nocturnal
hemoglobinuria Inflammatory bowel
disease Nephrotic syndrome
Onco Life Cancer Centre
Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis (CVST) Cerebral
venous sinus thrombosis (CVST) occurs when a
blood clot forms in the brain's venous sinuses.
This prevents blood from draining out of the
brain. As a result, blood cells may break and
leak blood into the brain tissues, forming a
hemorrhage. This chain of events is part of a
stroke that can occur in adults and children. It
can occur even in newborns and babies in the
womb. A stroke can damage the brain and central
nervous system. A stroke is serious and requires
immediate medical attention. This condition may
also be called cerebral sinovenous thrombosis.
Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) Blood clot in leg
vein Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) occurs when a
blood clot (thrombus) forms in one or more of
the deep veins in the body, usually in the legs.
Deep vein thrombosis can cause leg pain or
swelling, but also can occur with no
symptoms. Deep vein thrombosis can develop if
patient has certain medical conditions that
affect how his blood clots. It can also happen if
patient doesn't move for a long time, such as
after surgery or an accident, or when he is
confined to bed. Deep vein thrombosis can be very
serious because blood clots in the veins can
break loose, travel through the bloodstream and
lodge in the lungs, blocking blood flow
(pulmonary embolism).
Onco Life Cancer Centre
Pregnancy, Menstruation Hematological
complications Anemia, thrombocytopenia, bleeding
disorders, thrombosis disorders like VTE
etc Pediatric Malignancies Hematological
Disorders Anemia, thrombocytopenia, bleeding
disorders, thrombosis disorders etc. Genetic
Counselling Premarital Screening It includes
pre-conception and prenatal counseling about the
potential health of a baby, genetic evaluation of
a neonate with birth defects or a toddler with
developmental delay. Some inherited conditions
are present at birth, while others do not
manifest until adolescence or adulthood.
Blood Transfusion Reaction
Onco Life Cancer Centre
When To Refer To Hematologist Pyrexia of Unknown
Origin (PUO) Unexplained anemia,
thrombocytopenia, leucopenia Unexplained
Pancytopenia All types of Blood Cancer Abnormal
cells on peripheral smear like blasts, atypical
lymphocyte, schistocytes, leukoerythroblastic
picture Unexplained Lymphadenopathy,
Hepatomegaly, Splenomegaly Unexplained Fever,
weight loss Suspected case of bleeding disorder,
family history of bleeding Blood clots in
body(thrombosis) High Hemoglobin, White blood
cells count and Platelets count Abnormal
coagulation tests Suspecting storage
disorder Quality Care Begins with Right
Referrals Dr. Varun Ashok Bafna Consultant
(Adult Pediatric) Hematologist
Hemato-Oncologoist Bone Marrow Stem Cell
Transplant Physician
For more info, contact us Hema
tologist in Pune
Onco Life Cancer Centre
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