Title: Neal Loskovitz - Possesses Exceptional Management Skills
1Neal Loskovitz
CFO, Germantown Minor Medical
2(No Transcript)
3Neal Loskovitz has the potential of monitoring
billing, accounts payable plus accounts
receivable departments. In addition, he has the
brilliant familiarity of ICD-10, CPT, HIPAA,
4Neal Adam Loskovitz has always provided
exceptionally effective financial solutions and
he has sound understanding of various finance
related techniques as well.
5Neal Loskovitz is a far-sighted and practical
expert and has outstanding negotiation potentials
by means of which he devises, progresses and
implements the most efficient and successful
growth and development approaches for his
6Neal Adam Loskovitz is a remarkably talented
professional commended for a number of
achievements throughout his extensive career. He
is an experienced finance manager and he can
manage different financial matters.
7Neal Loskovitz is working at the Germantown minor
medical at the current moment and is working
there since last 20 years. He has brilliant
management skills through which he has gained a
number of milestones.
To know more about him visit his official site