Title: Is Solar Energy Right for Your Home?
1Is Solar Energy Right for Your Home?
2Trend Research Methods
Switching to solar is a big step in your home
ownership journey. Whether youre just starting
to look into installing a solar energy system or
youve been contemplating the idea awhile, its
helpful to know what qualities and specifications
make your home a good candidate for solar energy.
3That said, just about any home that receives some
sunlight and isnt completely shaded by trees can
benefit from a solar energy system. And even if
your home doesnt meet all these points, you can
still see a huge return on investment when you
switch to solar energy.
4That said, just about any home that receives some
sunlight and isnt completely shaded by trees can
benefit from a solar energy system. And even if
your home doesnt meet all these points, you can
still see a huge return on investment when you
switch to solar energy.These are just a few
points that make your home the ideal candidate
for a solar energy system. However, even if your
home doesnt hit all of these, we can discuss
your goals for energy independence and solar
energy and come up with a system design and
installation plan that works best for you.
5The direction of your roof
Ideally, your solar panels will be placed on a
roof face that is facing south. This will create
the most exposure to sunlight at most times of
the day. An east or west facing roof, however,
can still generate sufficient energy to power
your home.
6Roof obstructions
Roof obstructions like skylights, chimneys, and
dormers definitely arent reasons to not install
a solar energy system, theyre just things to
keep in mind as you move forward in pursuing your
switch to solar.
The age of your roof
In order to install solar panels, your roof
doesnt necessarily need to be brand new, but it
should be made of strong, reliable materials and
should be in generally good condition, and you
shouldnt be planning to replace it in a few
years. In other words, it should have a long and
useful life left before you install a solar
7Trees or buildings that cause shadows
A main consideration is whether your roof is
obscured by trees or the shadows of buildings, as
this will of course pose a detriment to
generating solar energy.
Your current energy bill
Consider your current energy bill and consider
that a solar energy array has the potential to
reduce your electric bill by up to 100! A
well-installed, well-placed solar energy system
will usually pay for itself in 6-8 years.
8Make the switch to solar!
If youre ready to make the switch to solar, Pro
Solar Florida can help you every step of the way!
Contact us today to set up a risk-free
consultation and get all your solar energy
questions answered. You cant afford NOT to make
the switch!