Title: Top-notch Commercial Screenwiper Systems
1(No Transcript)
3Bus and truck accidents are not something totally
uncommon. It happens and in many instances, the
poor visibility of the road ahead has been the
primary reason behind such unfortunate events.
Challenging weather conditions like heavy rain or
snowfall make it practically impossible for the
driver to properly see the road lying ahead.
6Top-notch Commercial Screenwiper Systems
The pantograph mechanism might be a bit
complicated but is suitable for commercial
vehicles with huge windscreen. It allows the
blade to swipe over maximum windscreen surface
area possible.
7Screen Wiper Solutions
Screen Wiper Solutions Limited9/90 Elizabeth
Knox PlSt JohnsAuckland 1072
Email sales_at_sws.co.nz
Website www.sws.co.nz
Phone 64 9 527 4991
or 64 9 634 9035