Title: Popular Myths Pertaining To DevOps
1Popular Myths Pertaining To DevOps
2- Not many people know about this simple function
called DevOps. There are many misconceptions
attached to DevOps. Lets understand what
actually is DevOps, how does it work? We will
also cast light on myths related to DevOps so
that from now onwards, you will have some
practical pointers to discuss in your business
meetings. - What is DevOps?
- In simple language, Dev refers to development and
Ops refers to operations related to IT
environment management. It is a commitment to
regulate both development and operations towards
the set of common goals. The main objective
behind DevOps is to deliver continuous software
to the clients without any kind of errors.
3Process Of DevOps Before explaining the myths,
lets understand the major three ways of DevOps
Flow Feedback, and Observation 1. Flow To
accomplish progress in DevOps, the most important
factor is Flow. To achieve continuous flow
requires investment in tooling and automation.
Other things to be done are fast-run of units
test, a smattering of unit test, and lastly
journey test. This whole setup is termed as
Testing Pyramid.
4 2. Feedback Good flow of the DevOps requires
regular feedback. To move forward with the
process, one thing is a must that there are no
errors or problems in the work. Maybe the code
must have some bugs or there are some serious
problems in the software which is degrading its
performance. These things can be avoided in the
early process. Shift left implies where the
testing is done on a priority basis. 3.
Observation It is important to know that DevOps
is not a destination and it is a constant
refinement of the process towards early delivery
of the software. As more team members would be
added, productivity will go up. Observation of
the process can be done by having production
analytics. It is to be done at periodic
5Myths Attached to DevOps As we discussed
earlier, there are lots of myths that are
completely false and must get updated now!
61. DevOps is a Role DevOps can be practiced in
an organization, can be taught to the team but
one cannot higher professional only for DevOps.
In simple words, DevOps is a function and it is
not a duty or a designation. 2. DevOps is
Tooling Developers are often using several tools
and DevOps are considered as one of the tools
(myth). DevOps ideas are implemented in the work
which includes both technical and non-technical
aspects but it is basically not a tool. Tools
are those which are used in implementing the
DevOps. There is infrastructure as code tools
that helps spinning up a new machine in clouds,
and also there are various testing tools that
check the speed of the apps.
73. DevOps Replaces Ops Implementing DevOps is
not a critical task. You need a whole team with
the knowledge of DevOps and functions related to
other IT environment management tools. Having
comprehensive knowledge about operations and
development is not possible so there will be a
requirement of individuals with different
specialties and interests. Everyones goal in
the company must be thriving towards faster
delivery of high-quality software. 4. DevOps is
for Modern System Anyone who says that DevOps is
only for the modern system needs to learn more
about it. DevOps can be used in multi-platform by
the whole team whether they are concerned with
operations or development. There are no
limitations in applying DevOps for a company, and
there must be a simultaneous flow of work to
undertake it.
8- Final Thought!
- So now you are well-aware of four myths which you
have to avoid. Hopefully, now you are able to
churn more pointers for your next discussion
about DevOps. - Every company can easily implement DevOps in
enhancing their business. This will help them to
win the trust of existing clients, resulting in
more profits. - If the DevOps is performed strategically, there
would be no chance of errors and bugs in the
software. - Moreover, if you are looking for distinct
solutions regarding DevOps, contact Enov8.
9Contact Us
- Company Name Enov8
- Contact Person Niall Crawford
- Address Level 5, 14 Martin Place, Sydney, 2000,
New South Wales, Australia. - Phone(s) 61 2 8916 6391
- Fax 61 2 9437 4214
- Website - https//www.enov8.com
10Thank You