Title: Downey dental center
1Is Teeth Grinding Harmful At All In Reality
Teeth grinding does not only hurt your teeth but
if it is frequently done, it can cause unwanted
problems in the joints of your lower jaw.
2What is the main reason behind teeth grinding?
Anxiety or stress is the main reason for teeth
grinding, or bruxism. According to psychologists,
an adult clenches his jaw or grinds his teeth
when he is angry, frustrated, anxious, or maybe
stressed. But that is not all! Smoking way too
much or consuming caffeine before bed too causes
teeth grinding. There might be otherreasons for
teeth grinding too, like misaligned teeth.
3How would you know if you also grind your teeth?
Teeth grinding mostly occurs when you are asleep,
so, naturally, you would not know if you really
grind your teeth or not. But, if your headaches
for no reason after you wake up or anytime sooner
or later, there is a chance that you might be
grinding your teeth while asleep. You will better
know about it if anyone sleeps beside you. They
will be able to hear the sound or observe your
teeth movement.
4Does it happen with children or adults too?
At least 38 of the children grind their teeth
intentionally and playfully which leads to
headaches, earaches, jaw pain, broken tooth,
sensitive tooth, etc. Not just that, children who
have psychological disorders, or talk in their
sleep too clench their jaws or grind their teeth
while asleep. While growing up or while stepping
into their early teens, a normal kid usually
stops grinding teeth unless it becomes a habit or
is found in family genes.
5How can you stop it?
Well, the first thing you need to do is to visit
the Downey dental center. They will provide you
with a mouth guard which will allow you to not
grind your teeth while asleep. You must also
visit a psychologist or attend stress therapy
classes which will help you relax your body and a
relaxed body will naturally prevent you from
grinding your teeth.
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