Title: Anti-Wrinkle Treatment Sheffield
1Anti-Wrinkle Treatment Sheffield
2Forehead Wrinkles
Forehead wrinkles appear in horizontal lines in
the area between the eyebrows and the hairline.
These wrinkles are formed during facial
expression to convey emotions such as surprise or
3Eye Wrinkles/Laughter Lines
Crows Feet wrinkles (periorbiltal wrinkles) are
in the outer corner of the eyes and appear more
prominent when laughing or smiling. Crows feet
wrinkles can result from excessive sun exposure
combined with the skin becoming less elastic with
4Is the Treatment Safe?
Muscle relaxant which we use has an excellent
safety record and a long record of use in
medicine. It has been used successfully in adults
and children in a variety of medical conditions
over the last 20 years. It has been used
cosmetically to treat facial wrinkles for about
15 years and has become one of the most popular
and frequently used cosmetic treatments.
5Are There Any Side Effects?
Most people find that the injections cause only
mild local pain and tenderness. Immediately after
the injection, there may be mild swelling at the
injection site which usually subsides within 48
hours. Slight bruising is also possible. Side
effects of these treatments are extremely rare.
6Treatment Starts From 195 up to 3 Areas
7Need to see a doctor TODAY?
- Nottingham
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- Sheffield
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- Watford
- 0115 9475498
- 01332 332530
- 0116 2541282
- 0114 3583930
- 0113 3448699
- 01923 606801
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