Title: Brick Edging Services in Melbourne
1C U S T O M A S P H A L T
Quality Asphalt Paving
2About Brick
Installing Brick Edging is an
investment that takes time and a lot of hard
labor. Edging enhances
money, physical a gravel
pathways aesthetic appeal and reduces the path
maintenance as it forms a physical barrier that
keeps vegetation from creeping into the gravel.
F I N D O U T T H E B E N E F I T S !
4In Brick Edging the design of the path edged is
highlighted. Curves need to be smooth, wide with
straight lines marked precisely ovals and circles
measured for perfect symmetry. The bricks
present quite a light and elegant look. Bricks
can be laid side by side to make a bolder line
which dramatically frames the gravel path. The
first decision to make when installing brick
edging is whether or not the bricks will be
mortared together. Mortared edging is durable
and more mortared
labor intensive to install edging. The color of
than edging
non- will
make the mortar stand out. The most important
step in installing brick edging is to lay a
compacted material that prevents the bricks from
settling over time.
5Custom Asphalt specializes in brick and timber
edging in and around Melbourne. We also provide
asphalt construction, asphalt paving, repair
and maintenance. If you would like to know more
about Brick Edging, then please feel free to
contact us.
6C O M P A N Y A D D R E S S
PO BOX 9035, Harkaway VIC 3806 E M A I L A D D
R E S S custasph_at_bigpond.net.au W E B S I T E
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