Title: Preserving Your Beauty With Thermage - Dr Marwah's Clinic
1Got loose sagging skin? Missing those days when
you were young and had fresh bright firm skin?
You dont need to miss them anymore. You can get
back your skin as firm and rejuvenated as it was
back then! And, if you think we are speaking of
some sort of surgery here, hold on, there is no
surgery involved! Yes, here we speak about
Thermage the non- surgical way of treating the
skin to make it firm and rejuvenated without any
The reason why we get saggy skin is that as we
age, the collagen in our skin, which is
responsible for the firmness, breaks down and
goes haywire, which thus creates fine lines and
wrinkles on the skin, making us look old. Thus,
it is important to restore this collagen in
order to rejuvenate the skin and this is just
what Thermage does. What is Thermage? The
Thermage system is a non-invasive radiofrequency
(RF) therapy that can smooth, tighten and
contour skin for an overall younger-looking
appearance. The radiofrequency heats the deep
collagen layers of the skin, which causes the
collagen to contract, and
2encourages new collagen to start growing. Such
kind of thermal skin tightening can drastically
reduce skin laxity without surgery. It is a
30-minute procedure, where a gel is placed on
the skins area that needs to be treated. You
will start feeling a sensation of heat, followed
by coolness. The cooling sensation help protects
your skin and minimizes any discomfort. The
system incorporates vibration on the face and
body treatments, which has been shown to provide
patient comfort. But, all in all, it is not a
very discomforting procedure. So no sedation and
no downtime! And, you can always get back to work
in no time after the procedure. So, there seems
to be no downside for the Thermage treatment.
You can get ready for the procedure without
giving it a second thought. And, when you do,
make sure you get an appointment at Dr. Marwahs
Clinic if you want the best skin tightening
treatment in Mumbai. The results The treatment
shows gradual results with the most noticeable
results observed in 3-6 months. The worst you
can have is redness or mild swelling on your
skin, which also goes away within 24 hours. So,
there is nothing you need to worry about much.
You can have Thermage almost anywhere that you
have loose skin, like the face, neck, above the
knees, and even the smallest part of the
eyelids! So, be ready for a newer younger you
when you plan to get the Thermage treatment
done. And, when you think of youthful skin, rest
assured that you will have a maintained youthful
appearance for many years. However, it is ideal
that you have the treatment performed at least
once a year for the best results. This blog has
definitely busted all the myths associated with
Thermage, which you may have been believing up
till now!