Title: Douglas B. Constable - BS, Accounting From SUNY Oswego
1Douglas B. Constable
Chairman and CEO at Kruger Plastic Products, LLC
2Douglas B. Constable served as Vice President of
Critical Care Concepts, Incorporation (formerly
known as Monitor Medical, Incorporation) for 7
3Douglas Benjamin Constable looked after each
organization activity, and the company produced
120 M specialty medical products including
Respiratory and Anesthesia products.
4Douglas B. Constable joined Critical Care
Concepts, Incorporation in 1993 where he
successfully negotiated, formed acquisition
strategies and implemented plans to acquire more
than 20 companies.
5Doug Constable was the prime negotiator for
public dealings, with prospective and current
buyers and sellers, legal counsel, stockholders
and banks (for lending purposes).
6As he was the central point of contact with major
stakeholders including banks, Douglas B.
Constable developed and maintained banking
relationships (in order to fuel his acquisition
target). He also served as an interim CFO,
managed more than 250 employees working in a
dispersed geographic areas.
7Douglas Benjamin Constable also took accounting
responsibilities and oversees Finance department
and all other non-financial functions.
8Doug Constable also brought technological
advancement and promoted it throughout 22
locations. He also performed a role as a Talent
Acquisition Manager. Besides all this, developed
and implemented national equipment rental program
offering 24/7 services across the country.
To know more about him visit his official site