Title: 4 Significant Benefits of WAN Optimization
14 Significant Benefits of WAN Optimization
2Wide-Area Network (WAN) optimization refers to
the collection of technologies and techniques
used to enhance efficiency of data-transfer
across the WAN. Basically, WAN optimization is a
critical part of network management as it allows
you to prioritize traffic and guarantee a certain
amount of available bandwidth for the most
critical applications.
3Benefits of WAN Optimization Appliance
Quicker File Accessibility
Because of caching, someone that utilizes the
same files again and again will be able to access
them more quickly as only new data must be saved
and retrieved.
4Enhanced Performance
Applications that are not directly affected by
optimization run more smoothly because bandwidth
previously used for other processes can now be
dedicated to the most critical applications.
5Cost Savings
WAN Optimization enables application
consolidation that can drastically minimize the
cost of equipment and software a company needs.
6Enhanced Efficiency
You can minimize the effects of latency with
protocol optimizations that maximizes the
bandwidth utilization and alleviate the
congestion in network. There is no doubt that
for many companies, WAN optimization appliance
can bring considerable enhancements to business
operations. So, its time to maximize your IT
infrastructure performance with WAN
optimization. Source https//www.sifytechnologie