Title: Potential of Nilotinib to Modulate Dopamine in Parkinson
1Potential of Nilotinib to Modulate Dopamine in
According to the Phase 2 of clinical trial,
Nilotinib (Brand Tasigna) manufactured by
Novartis can help in modulating the metabolism
and level of dopamine in the body. Formation of
toxic-alpha synuclein aggregates can also be
prevented with the help Nilotinib (generic of
Tasigna) treatment.
2Nilotinib / Tasigna cost information And these
studies have led researchers to believe that
Nilotinib has the potential to promote long-term
benefits to individuals who are suffering from
Parkinsons. During the 2018 World Congress on
Parkinsons Disease and Related Disorders (IARPD)
held in Lyon, France, Novartis has presented to
the world that Nilotinib can reduce the
oligomeric (total alpha-synuclein ratio) and
increase the dopamine metabolism with the help of
its clinical trials conducted in Phase 2.
3Nilotinib (Brand Tasigna, Novartis) is an
approved treatment for certain types of Leukemia.
Blocking the protein BCR-ABL activity that is
known to be key cause of cancer development is
how the Nilotinib works. This protein BCR-ABL
is also heavily linked to several other
mechanisms of the brain like alpha-synuclein-
induced neurodegeneration and oxidative stress
etc. and these mechanisms are known to play a
very critical role in Parkinsons and other brain
4Nilotinib / Tasigna side effects
information According to results from the study
NCT02281474 conducted at Georgetown University,
Washington D.C., Parkinsons patients
cognitive abilities and motor skills have
improved with the help of Nilotinib 150 mg and
300 mg. Tasigna medication also has the
potential to reduce the stress levels of protein
called alpha-synuclein, which helps in
contribution in destruction of nerve cells in
Parkinsons suffering individuals brain.
5In the on going trial of Phase 2 named
NCT02954978, a total of 75 patients were
recruited who were suffering from Parkinsons and
are at mid-stage with a mild cognitive
impairment. Theses patients were randomised to
take 1 of the 4 oral doses of Nilotinib 150,
200, 300 and 400 or a placebo. After the doses
were taken, researchers assessed several
biomarkers of the Parkinson disease including
the alpha-synuclein levels and dopamine derivate
compounds in patients suffering with Parkinsons
cerebrospinal fluid. Tasigna medication is only
available in 150 mg and 200 mg strength.
6Within 1 to 4 hours, improvement in the
production and metabolism of dopamine can be
observed. This improvement was suggested by
increase in the DOPAC levels and homovanillic
acid (HVA). Researchers were not able to find in
any significant change of CSF total
alpha-synuclein levels, but a low dose of
Nilotinib (generic of Tasigna) therapy resulted
in a reduced level of oddly clustered and toxic
7As the Parkinsons disease progresses there is a
significant reduction of oligomeric
alpha-synuclein which is expected to increase in
Parkinsons patients. Researchers wrote that
Nilotinib may reduce misfolded alpha-synuclein
accumulation and can have a long-term modifying
effect. The results from the clinical studies
depicted that Nilotinib may have a symptomatic
effect through modulation of level of dopamine in
the brain.
8Novartis has initiated a new phase 2 trial, which
investigates further the potential of Nilotinib
(generic of Tasigna) in Parkinsons patients who
are at moderate to advanced stage of disease. A
total of 135 patients have been recruited for
this study so far. This study is scheduled for 12
months and will take place in 25 states of the
United States. One of the main agendas of this
study is to compare the motor functions safety
and effects once the treatment with Nilotinib
(taken once daily) as compared to a
placebo. Nilotinib cost information
9The information provided on the page is meant for
the purpose of being helpful and educational. It
should not be considered as medical advice.
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