Title: Open school in Rajasthan-The Success Point
1Open school in Rajasthan-The Success Point
- Success Campus, University Road, Bekani puliya
Choraha, Udaipur 313001 (Raj.) INDIA - 91-9462514100
- 91-294-2470087
- 91-294-2470088
- succdilip_at_rediffmail.com
2Open school in Rajasthan-The Success Point
- https//in.pinterest.com/thesuccesspoint11/
- https//www.linkedin.com/in/success-point-78b87618
9/ - https//twitter.com/TheSuccessPoin1
3Open school in Rajasthan-The Success
- With every passing day, the thinking and
lifestyle of most people around the world is
changing. In fact, in a country like India, where
people are considered more conservative in
nature, thinking is also changing. Clearly, for
the past few decades, it has been observed that
now parents are changing in India and they are
showing their children the desire to get
education through methods other than the
traditional education system. Open school in
4Open school in Rajasthan-The Success
5Open school in Rajasthan-The Success
- For this purpose, since its inception in 1989,
established by the National Institute of Open
Schooling, Government. The Ministry of Human
Resource Development fulfills this objective and
imposes and imparts education of students on a
large scale throughout the country. Open school
in rajasthan
6Open school in Rajasthan-The Success
- Living in a country like India, in most cases,
the reason for leaving education in the middle is
a financial crisis. Therefore, to overcome this
problem, open school education centers run by
NIOS are inexpensive and provide education to the
weaker sections of society at a lower cost. Open
school in rajasthan
7Open school in Rajasthan-The Success
8Open school in Rajasthan-The Success
- Another important advantage is that through open
schooling, anyone can learn at their own pace
because it allows students to choose the subjects
they want to learn from the list of subjects and
regularly attend classes Is not required. Apart
from this, they do not need to take all subjects
exams at the same time. Open school in rajasthan
9Open school in Rajasthan-The Success
- They can also offer on demand examination where a
learner has the freedom to choose the date and
time for the exam. Consequently, through open
schooling, students can also spend time with
extra activities, sports or even hobbies, which
now also have a bright career area.Open school in
10Open school in Rajasthan-The Success Point
- Success Campus, University Road, Bekani puliya
Choraha, Udaipur 313001 (Raj.) INDIA - 91-9462514100
- 91-294-2470087
- 91-294-2470088
- succdilip_at_rediffmail.com
11Open school in Rajasthan-The Success Point
- https//in.pinterest.com/thesuccesspoint11/
- https//www.linkedin.com/in/success-point-78b87618
9/ - https//twitter.com/TheSuccessPoin1