Title: What Does NPI Software Mean - VayoInfo
1NPI software
Towards Industry 4.0 IoT
2It happens around us whatever you notice or not
On year 2013, Hitachi elevator free fall due to
defected board in China, a lady was injured in
this event.
On year 2013, GM recall 380,000 vehicles due to
defected engine control board.
Due to abnormal behavior of PCBA, Taiwan high
speed train lost power on year 2013.
Major reason of AirAsia QZ8501 crash on year 2014
is a cracked solder joint on PCBA.
On year 2013, Chrysler recalled gt470,000 vehicles
due to defected board.
On year 2014, Mitsubishi recall 115,000 cars due
to defect board of light switch.
3Are you always willing to stay with those issues?
Quality defects, reliability issue, process
headache, business risk
Equipment programming
- No thermal consideration, small annual ring
small, silkscreen error, Silkscreen incomplete, - gt30 PCB design comes with problem.
- Wrong polarity, location offset, inline
fine-tune, - Lower test coverage, lower utilization,
NPI cycle
- Short, open, tombstone, cold sold, Void,
- gt60 defects could be found prior to build
- Frequent prototyping, high cost
- Long cycle, impact time to market,
Post sales
Process design
- sold joint crack, sold joint peeloff,
- Repair rate for consumer product 537 in
initials 3 years
- Difficult to transfer knowledge
- No effective tool to continually improve process
IPC research 80 defects could be found and
resolve during NPI stage.
4Customer reference
- Vayo software products installed in gt20
countries and regions world wide - (China/USA/Mexico/Japan/Singapore/Malaysia/Thailan
Telecom network Computer Consumer Automotive/ parts Energy/ Security/Medical Contract manufacturer Others Partner
5Where we are?
Vayo NPI solution Process design for PCBA
Predict defects prior to manufacturing, agile
6Core product Intelligent NPI software for PCBA
- Reduce design mfg cycle 30-70
- Reduce quality defects 30
- Increase reliability 30
- Increase design and mfg efficiency 40
- Reduce design and mfg cost 20
Intelligent DFx analysis
PCB layout Eng., process Eng. NPI Eng.
NPINew Product Introduction
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