Title: BUS 375 Education Organization / snaptutorial.com
1BUS 375 Education Organization / snaptutorial.com
2BUS 375 Education Organization / snaptutorial.com
BUS 375 Week 1 DQ 1 Views of Human Resource
Development For more classes visit www.snaptutor
ial.com Views of Human Resource Development CLO
1. 1st Post Due by Day 3. In the textbook, two
main views of human resource development are exami
ned. Discuss the similarities and differences bet
ween the views of performance-based and developmen
tal HRD.
3BUS 375 Education Organization / snaptutorial.com
BUS 375 Week 1 DQ 2 Explicit, Implicit and Tacit
Knowledge For more classes visit www.snaptutoria
l.com Explicit, Implicit and Tacit Knowledge CL
O 1. 1st Post Due by Day 3. There are three typ
es of knowledge discussed in the textbook explic
it, implicit, and tacit. Describe the three types
of knowledge. Give an example of each of the three
types of knowledge based on your
4BUS 375 Education Organization / snaptutorial.com
BUS 375 Week 1 Vrooms Model of Expectancy
Theory For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.c
om Vrooms Model of Expectancy Theory CLOs 1,2
. Due by Day 7. In a two- to three-page paper (ex
cluding the title and reference pages), examine ho
w Vrooms Model of Expectancy Theory can help wit
h staffing issues in an organization. Include the
following in your paper
5BUS 375 Education Organization / snaptutorial.com
BUS 375 Week 2 DQ 1 Training Needs Analysis For
more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Training
Needs Analysis CLO 2. 1st Post Due by Day 3. C
hapter three of the textbook describes the analysi
s stage of ADDIE. In this step, a training needs
analysis is required. Based on the training needs
analysis, describe a training course that could be
used for your current job position. How will the
training address the needs of the employees?
6BUS 375 Education Organization / snaptutorial.com
BUS 375 Week 2 DQ 2 SMART Goals For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com S.M.A.R.T. Go
als CLO 2. 1st Post Due by Day 3. Create three
S.M.A.R.T. goals that are relevant to receiving yo
ur degree from Ashford. How will identifying the
S.M.A.R.T. goals aid you in achieving the ultimate
goal of graduation?
7BUS 375 Education Organization / snaptutorial.com
BUS 375 Week 2 Performance Appraisals For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Performance A
ppraisals CLO 2. Due by Day 7. Chapter Three of
the textbook gives a basic description of five pe
rformance appraisal instruments. Choose one of th
e instruments, and write a two- to three-page pape
r (excluding the title and reference pages), descr
ibing the instrument. Include the following in yo
ur paper
8BUS 375 Education Organization / snaptutorial.com
BUS 375 Week 3 DQ 1 Kirkpatricks Taxonomy For
more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Kirkpatr
icks Taxonomy CLO 2. 1st Post Due by Day 3. Th
is weeks lecture describes the advantages and dis
advantages of using Kirkpatricks taxonomy. As an
HR employee tasked with creating and evaluating a
training course for your organization, how would
you use Kirkpatricks taxonomy to evaluate the tra
ining? What could you do to minimize the disadvan
tages of the tool?
9BUS 375 Education Organization / snaptutorial.com
BUS 375 Week 3 DQ 2 Beta Testing For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Beta-Testing
CLO 2. 1st Post Due by Day 3. Read the article
Apple is Beta-testing an Update that Kills Evasio
n Jailbreak. In the textbook, beta-
10BUS 375 Education Organization / snaptutorial.com
BUS 375 Week 3 E-learning for Training and
Potential Barriers For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com E-learning for Traini
ng and Potential Barriers CLOs 2, 4. Due by Day
7. In Chapter Five of the textbook, e-learning as
a method of training is discussed. In Chapter Si
x, potential barriers of e-learning readiness to i
mplementing e-
11BUS 375 Education Organization / snaptutorial.com
BUS 375 Week 4 DQ 1 Evaluative Tools For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Evaluative To
ols CLO 2. 1st Post Due by Day 3. In chapter se
ven, three additional evaluation tools were introd
uced the CIPP model of evaluation, Kaufmans fiv
e levels of evaluation, and CIRO. Choose one of th
e three models of evaluation. Describe the model.
What are the advantages? What are the disadvantage
12BUS 375 Education Organization / snaptutorial.com
BUS 375 Week 4 DQ 2 Is It a Learning
Organization For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Is It a Learning Orga
nization? CLOs 2,4. 1st Post Due by Day 3. In c
hapter eight, transfer of learning is examined. Tr
ansfer of learning is based on organizational clim
ate. The climate of a learning organization is mos
t conducive to the transfer of learning. Describe
the characteristics of the learning organization.
Based on the characteristics of your organization
is it a learning organization? Why or why not?
13BUS 375 Education Organization / snaptutorial.com
BUS 375 Week 4 Senges Five Disciplines and
Organizational Climate For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Senges Five Discipli
nes and Organizational Climate CLO 2,4. Due by D
ay 7. The learning organization is affected by bot
h the individual and the organizational climate.
In a two- to three-page paper (excluding the title
and reference pages), describe Senges five disci
plines and the characteristics of an organizationa
l climate that promotes organizational learning.
Include the following in your paper
14BUS 375 Education Organization / snaptutorial.com
BUS 375 Week 5 DQ 1 Coaching versus
Mentoring For more classes visit www.snaptutoria
l.com Coaching versus Mentoring CLO 2. 1st Po
st Due by Day 3. Read the Forbes article The Diff
erence between Coaching and Mentoring. Coaching a
nd mentoring are both functions of HRM. Many of th
e characteristics are similar. However, the two te
chniques are best used for different situations.
Describe the main differences between coaching and
15BUS 375 Education Organization / snaptutorial.com
BUS 375 Week 5 DQ 2 Corporate Social
Responsibility For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com BUS 375 Week 5 DQ 2 C
orporate Social Responsibility
16BUS 375 Education Organization / snaptutorial.com
BUS 375 Week 5 Final Paper (Cultural Diversity
Training) For more classes visit www.snaptutoria
l.com This Tutorial contains 2 Different Papers
Focus of the Final Paper Students may choose a
final paper topic of their choice, or one from an
y one of the topics/questions listed below 1. Dis
cuss how employee training needs to evolve due to
immigration and related cultural changes.
17BUS 375 Education Organization / snaptutorial.com