Title: Guardianship services in the UK – Find a Guardian today
1Welcome to the Icon Education
Guardianship services in the UK Find a Guardian
2About Us
At Icon Education, we have access to a wide
network of caring and experienced guardian in the
UK. If you dont have a family member in the
city, we will connect you to an experienced and
professional support person to be an official
guardian. You can rest assured that all the
guardians have been through rigorous training
processes and police checks in compliance with
the UK.
3Guardianship services in the UK
At guardianship services in the UK, we care for
the welfare of every student and also assist them
in being independent individuals. We provide
academic mentoring and monitoring services that
allow the students in reaching their full
potential. With a team of qualified and
experienced tutors, we are capable of providing
valuable support to the students on request.
4We also have a suite of exciting winter and
summer camps and the term-time tasters as well.
Whether your child studies at a boarding school
or a day school in the UK, you shall also need an
educational guardian. The parents that are
planning to send their child to study in the UK
will also have the opportunity in appointing
ICONs educational guardian to act as the trusted
198 Beardall Street, Nottingham, NG15 7JU, UK
44(0)115 850 0388
6Thank You!!!