Title: Cotton Egypt Association launches campaign against counterfeiters
1Cotton Egypt Association launches campaign
against counterfeiters-- Blacklist the
counterfeiters is the voice of CEA! Cotton Egypt
Association, better known as CEA, in its
continual efforts to eliminate non-genuine goods
from the supply chain, has decided to launch a
campaign to blacklist the counterfeiters. CEA has
distinctly stated that it will 'name and shame'
all those manufacturers who will fail the
accreditation protocol that CEA had set up few
years back with Bureau Veritas. Through their new
'Black List' website, CEA has, reportedly, taken
its first steps by naming Pakistan's towel
manufacturer Indus Home Limited as a
counterfeiter and has got its licence suspended.
2CEA also soon plans to start a global task force
of secret shoppers who will buy products that
have the label Egyptian Cotton from store
retailers as well as online retailers. Once
bought, they will send these products for
testing. Failure of the test could lead to the
blacklisting of the manufacturer and suspension
of licence as it happened in the case of Indus
Home Limited. On CEA's decision to name the
counterfeiters, Khaled Schuman, Executive
Director, Cotton Egypt Association, said "CEA has
been tirelessly working for past 3 years to
safeguard the integrity and authenticity of the
brand, in addition to protecting its retail
partners and ensuring the shoppers that they are
buying genuine Egyptian Cotton goods." In its
endeavour to completely eradicate non-genuine
goods, CEA will continue with its
3facility audits, traceability assessment and
retailer surveillance among other
initiatives. CEA is determined to wipe out
non-genuine goods and seems to be heading towards
right direction. Apparel Resources provides
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