Title: PGP in Industrial Safety (Health, Safety and Environment)
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3PGP in Industrial Safety (Health, Safety
Rapid technological developments and large scale
mechanization in Petrochemical, Chemical,
Engineering Industries, Construction activities,
etc. have resulted in complex Health, Safety and
Environmental problems in these industries. Hence
these industries need the services of qualified
safety professionals exclusively to take care of
various Safety, Health and Environmental aspects
of their personnel/other persons who are likely
to be affected by any adverse effects arising
from these industries. Recognizing this need
Advanced Diploma in Health, Safety and
Environment is a tailor made course to meet these
requirements by enhancing the core competencies
of students.
- The objective of this program is to develop
professionally qualified and trained
professionals to handle Health, Safety and
Environment issues at workplace and shall have
the following competencies - To look after the Health, Safety and
Environmental aspects with knowledge and
expertise in HSE management systems, safe
handling of materials and machinery, safe work
practices, operational controls and to establish
and improve emergency action procedure - To be responsible for compliance of all legal and
other obligations of the organization - To guide and assist the site managers / engineers
to make their sites safe and accident free - To train personnel in safety, undertake safety
surveys and design suitable documents for
recording and promoting safety at the work place
- Students can opt for various career options after
completing this programme like - Environmental Health and Safety Engineer
- Manager Environmental, Health and Safety Engineer
- Principal Health and Safety Engineer
- Semester II
- Safety Management and Engineering
- Understanding Applied Ergonomics
- Safety Engineering Management-I Machine
Operations and Safe use of Tools and Gadgets - Safety Engineering Management-II Material
Handling and Safe use of Tools and Gadgets - Fire Risk Control
- Risk Analysis Management
- Semester 1
- Safety, Health and Environment Management
- Electrical safety
- Safety, Health and Environmental Laws
- Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Health
- Accidents Prevention Emergency Preparedness
- Environmental Issues and Management
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