Title: Hashing: The Ultimate Solution for your Data Security
1Hashing The Ultimate Solution for your Data
- Hashing is a technique primarily used to
distribute data inputs uniformly across an array
by coding it into a snippet. - It is a coding mechanism that converts any data
inputs into a string of alphanumeric characters,
and the output it generates is called a hash. - In other words, a hash value is the digital
cryptographic impression of its base input
value. - This cryptographic mathematical process adds an
extra layer of protection to the input data. - Properties of a hashing function
- Deterministic
- Each hash value is unique, and the code remains
constant regardless of the number of times you
run the same data through the hashing algorithm. - Agility
- Computing or calculating the hash of any amount
of data by coming up with an identifier is very
high-speed, ideally within a fraction of a second.
2- Avalanche Effect
- The hash code output will always remain the same
as long as the data does not get changed.
However, a slight change in the input data will
give different output data. - Pre-image resistance
- Hashing is a one-way road to securing your data
and storing it simply and effectively for
permanent. Hash functions hide information about
the input to make it difficult to determine the
original message based on the output. There is no
way of reversing the hashing process and
transforming them to get back the original data. - Collision Resistance
- It is tough to find collisions. Each input will
have a unique hash. That means finding two
distinct input hashes that produce the same
output hash is virtually not possible. - Working procedure of hashing algorithm
- The hashing algorithm takes the infinite
arbitrary input of bits, applies calculations to
them and gives a final output of a finite number
of bits. - The most widely used hashing functions are MD5
(128-bit hash), SHA1 (160-bit hash) and SHA-256
(256-bit hash).
The size of the hash files depends upon the
algorithm that has been used to derive the
output. For example, when you use an SHA-256
algorithm for hashing, you will get a 256-bit
hash output. These are some of the standard
hashing algorithms available, which are being
used by many platforms for securing their
classified data. The different hashing
algorithms have different purposes of serving
some are known for their security efficacy and
some for the type of data input. A quick look at
the design of the algorithm
3Different hashing algorithms 1. MD5- Message
Digest algorithm 5 The MD family comprises of
hash functions MD2, MD4, MD5 and MD6. MD5 is the
fastest hashing algorithm that was included in
the .NET Framework, but the relatively small
hash code size made it susceptible to brute force
and birthday attacks. In 2004, collisions were
found in MD5. Further to the reports of this
collision attack, its recommendation became
less, since its security was compromised.
4- CRC32- Cyclic Redundancy Check
- CRC32 is a checksum that derives a 32-bit long
digest, that is used, for instance, to check if
a compressed file was damaged while being
transferred. In particular, they are used as a
hash function in industrial networks, where the
hardware capability is usually heavily bounded,
and real cryptographic hashes can be a
considerable choice. - SHA-1 Secure Hashing Algorithm
- NIST first developed SHA. SHA is specified as the
hash algorithm in the Digital Signature Standard
(DSS). It was later defined as the SHA-256,
SHA-384, and SHA- 512 algorithms, named after
the length of the hash code that each produces.
These new algorithms are variations of SHA-1 but
are sufficiently recent that their cryptographic
security remains open. - Tiger
- Tiger is a cryptographic hash function with a
192-bit hash value. It usually truncates its
output to form 160-bit and 128-bit hash
functions. - Are there any possibilities of hashing attacks?
- Now, if you are worrying over the chances that
there can be a hash attack, then it is close to
no. - A hash attack can only occur when two separate
inputs generate the same hash output. - But since hash functions have infinite input
length and a predefined output length, thus it
is rare for a collision to occur. - So specifically it is preferred that we use a
longer the hash value, so that the possibility
of a hash attack gets less.
5- 3. When you are storing any bulk data into online
cloud storage platforms like Google Drive,
Dropbox data hashing will help in storage
optimization because by hashing the file will be
compressed to a fixed size. Even the performance
glitches will be minimized as the size of the
data will become manageable. - They are used for storing passwords of logins and
later for verification procedure. Hashing is
done to ensure that when the password is sent
from client to server. The server then compares
the hash value with the password, and if they
sync, it means no corruption is there. - Used in scripting and occasionally for
authentication in Cloud profiles so that you can
ensure that the files are identical without even
opening and comparing the enormous chunks of
data. - To distinguish a specific file or to detect
duplicates. - Even in data structures and programming languages
like JAVA. - Besides, it is also applicable in
data-onboarding, where offline data is anonymized
by hashing algorithms to safeguard personally
identifiable information in a privacy compliant