Title: Tips to Get Rid of Ants from Your Home
1Tips to Get Rid of Ants from Your Home
2The first thing that every homemaker should
follow without fail is to maintain a good
sanitation practice at home. The kitchen should
be clean and less attractive to ants. Not only
the kitchen platform but the crumbs, spills, and
garbage should be kept clean. It is better to use
zip-top bags to store food like sweets. Properly
seal the jars with a lid when you keep honey or
sweet items.
3Homemakers can follow the manual tip to spray
vinegar near baseboards, on kitchen countertops
and in any cracks. This discourages ants to come.
Repeating the process for a number of times in a
day will definitely help you.
4 Protein and Grease Solution
To Treat Ant Problems you Can Follow Some More
Home Remedies Like
Peppermint Remedy
Cinnamon Tips
The Baby Powder Option
Use of Vaseline
5 Protein and Grease Solution
Protein and grease stuff attracts ants. A mixture
of peanut butter with a spoon of sugar
accompanied with 1 teaspoon of borax can
be useful to remove ant infestation.
6Putting a few drops of peppermint oil on a
cotton ball and keeping them in the places where
the ants crawl around can be done but quick.
Peppermint Remedy
7Cinnamon can be sprinkled to discourage ants
Cinnamon Tips
8Often baby powder can be sprinkled around
the perimeter of the house and the entry points..
The Baby Powder Option
9Rubbing Vaseline, near the areas also works on
a few ants.
Use of Vaseline
10Ant problem is every home problem now a day. To
get rid of the most rigid issue is quite
difficult. Truly speaking, this is the
environmental problem of the recent world which
needs a root solution.
11Do not panic if you face the same problem. Go for
the Professional Pest Control Service today.
They know how to deal with the menace. The
manual solution and tips though important but are
not a permanent solution to the issue.
12Go for a Commercial Pest Control Service. They
use less pesticide and use eco-environment
friendly pest control method and product to
remove the infestation.
13Hire our good pest control service to eliminate
the pest infestation from the root. Just pick
your phone and book Pest End for
your requirement. Our trained skilled guys will
take care of everything to make you free from the