Title: Different Ways to Celebrate Mother’s Day 2019
1Significance of Mothers Day Across the World
- Mothers Day is celebrated with great fervour
across the world. After all, it is one such
relationship which is pure and sacred like
nothing else. It is truly a special day to
acknowledge the efforts and presence of a person
who is so selfless and unconditional in all
aspects of life.
2The celebration of Mothers Day began in 1908
when a peace activist in the US, Ann Jarvis
organized a memorial for her mother. She
organized this to commemorate her mother who had
passed away in 2905 and also to honour all the
mothers of the world. There is a church in West
Virginia, USA called the St. Andrews Methodist
Church which holds the International Mothers Day
Shrine. Ann Jarvis had organized the memorial
event in this very church.
3It was due to her efforts that Mothers Day was
first recognized in the USA, and then gradually
spread to other countries of the world. It is
officially celebrated on every second Sunday in
the month of May.
Read Best Mothers Day Gift Ideas 2019
4In a patriarchal society like India, the notion
of Mothers Day holds special significance. It is
still not as widespread in India as in other
countries. The real struggle is in people
learning to celebrate and honour the woman of the
house. They have to look beyond the centuries-old
patriarchal system and learn to respect and
honour the women of the house.
5So, this Mothers Day, go all out and do not
think before celebrating the miracle that your
mother is. Pamper her, shower her with all your
love and attention and keep that bond going
strong. If you are thinking of making Mothers
Day 2019 special, browse through the best Mothers
Day gift ideas 2019
6Thank You Happy Mothers Day