Title: How Newforceltd Do?
1Think Outside Local Servies
2Think Outside Local Servies
3Think Outside Local Servies
SAP Consulting Implementation Enterprise
Resource Planning Customer Relationship
Management Mobility and BI-analytics Artificia
l Intelligence Internet of Things (IoT)
Enterprise Cloud and On Premise Predictive
Analytics Big Data
4Think Outside Local Servies
Newforce Solutions has been at the forefront of
the SAP business revolution, helping companies to
become more skilled in their manufacturing and
overall business processes. Our mission is to
make applications and solutions with passion and
professionalism and hard work and innovation
5Think Outside Local Servies
We believe in strengthening client relationships,
by proving effective results. We had a humble
begin in the May 2015 and when then we have
achieved success by leaps and bounds.
6Think Outside Local Servies
Professional system and application consulting
services Professional system and application
consulting services Certified SAP partner in
India, UK, and Europe Specialized in
globally SAP implementation and migration Accept
challenge of complex SAP implementations Programm
ing support and quick change management Well-defi
ned Consulting Services Level Agreement Successfu
lly deliver 120 projects in stipulated
time Work with multiple clients with a single
agreement 100 customer satisfaction
assurance 247 help desk support (Hotline, Email
and Online Port
7Thanks You!