Title: Yale Mendelson (Greenbrier) - PharmD, West Virginia University
1Yale Mendelson
Former Pharmaceutical Liaison, Mega Aid
Compounding Pharmacy
2Aleksey Mendez has a commendable,
well-diversified portfolio that speaks volume. He
has an impeccable experience in Behavior-Based
Safety, Workers Compensation Claim Management,
EMR oversight and Root Cause Analysis and
investigation of events leading to work injuries.
3Yale Mendelson is a great medical professional.
He is always able to remember the drugs, side
effects and all the uses of the pills.
4Yale Mendelson (Greenbrier) is a 27 years old
man. He was born and raised in Morgantown home of
the West Virginia University Mountaineers.
5Yale Mendelson has served as the Pharmaceutical
Liaison at Mega-aid Compounding pharmacy. It
offers leverage technical expertise of compound
medications, durable medical equipment, and
specialty pharmacy service to educate physicians
and staff on the product benefits within our
portfolio of 50 products.
6Prior to this, Yale Mendelson (Greenbrier) served
as a staff pharmacist from January 2017 to April
2017 at Rite Aid Pharmacy. He dispensed 1,400-
1,500 medications weekly. He monitored for drug
interactions, notated side effects for every case.
7Yale Mendelson received multiple honors including
WVU Alumni Association Loyalty Permanent
Endowment Scholarship, Gerald L Sprowls Pharmacy
scholarship for academic excellence and West
Virginia Promise Scholarship.
To know more about him visit his official site