Title: PRG 410 Enhance teaching / snaptutorial.com
1PRG 410 Enhance teaching / snaptutorial.com
2PRG 410 Enhance teaching / snaptutorial.com
PRG 410 All Assignments For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com PRG 410 Week 1
Individual Math Tutor Program PRG 410 Week 2
Team Theater Seating Program PRG 410 Week 2
Individual FizzBuzz Program, Part 1 PRG 410
Week 3 Team Theater Seating Program
3PRG 410 Enhance teaching / snaptutorial.com
PRG 410 Week 1 Individual Math Tutor
Program For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.
com PRG 410 Week 1 Individual Math Tutor
Program Write a console-based C program that
can be used as a math tutor for a young student.
The program should display two random numbers
consisting of three digits each to be added in
columnar format, such as 247
4PRG 410 Enhance teaching / snaptutorial.com
PRG 410 Week 2 Individual FizzBuzz Program, Part
1 For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com
PRG 410 Week 2 IndividualFizzBuzz Program, Part
1 Write a console-based C program that requests
the user to input a single positive integer as
input The program will then write the following
output according to the following rules
5PRG 410 Enhance teaching / snaptutorial.com
PRG 410 Week 2 Team Theater Seating Program For
more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com PRG 410
Week 2 Team Theater Seating Program Begin working
on the Learning Team Assignment for this course
due in Week Five. To prepare, this week your team
needs to review the requirements for the program
below, and write a 1-page document that refines
the pr
6PRG 410 Enhance teaching / snaptutorial.com
PRG 410 Week 3 FizzBuzz Program Part 2 For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com PRG 410 Week
3 FizzBuzz Program Part 2 Modify the FizzBuzz
program developed in Week Two to record the user
input using an array. The function must have the
prototype intFizzBuzz(int, int), where the
function takes the row number input from user as
the first
7PRG 410 Enhance teaching / snaptutorial.com
PRG 410 Week 3 Team Theater Seating Program For
more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com PRG 410
Week 3 Team Theater Seating Program Continue worki
ng on the Learning Team Assignment for this
course due in Week Five. For this week, your team
is to create a project plan that outlines the
steps your team will take.
8PRG 410 Enhance teaching / snaptutorial.com
PRG 410 Week 4 FizzBuzz Program Part 3 For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com PRG 410 Week
4 FizzBuzz Program Part 3 Modify the FizzBuzz
program further by designing a class CFizzbuzz
with two private data members that store a name
up to 14 characters long and an integer item
number. Define a getFizzbuzz() function member of
the CFizzbuzz class that will set values for the
data members by reading input from the keyboard
and a putFizzbuzz()
9PRG 410 Enhance teaching / snaptutorial.com
PRG 410 Week 4 Team Theater Seating Program For
more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com PRG 410
Week 4 Team Theater Seating Program Continue worki
ng on the Learning Team Assignment for this
course due in Week Five. For this week you are to
create a flowchart that documents the process
flows of the program. Use the shapes
10PRG 410 Enhance teaching / snaptutorial.com
PRG 410 Week 5 Individual SimpleMath OO
Program For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.
com PRG 410 Week 5 IndividualSimpleMath OO
Program Using Object-Oriented Programming
(OOP), design a base class, Simplemath, with the
following derived classes within Addition, Subtra
ction, Division, Multiplication. The user should
have the option (e.g., switch statement, if
statement, if else statement, nested statements)
to choose which calculation he or she prefers to
use. Once a
11PRG 410 Enhance teaching / snaptutorial.com
PRG 410 Week 5 Team Theater Seating Program For
more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com PRG 410
Week 5 Team Theater Seating Program Complete the
Learning Team Assignment started in Week Two.
Please incorporate all feedback obtained
throughout the past weeks into your final
documents. Code and compile the final program you
have built with your team per the instructions.
12PRG 410 Enhance teaching / snaptutorial.com