Title: emergency dentist
1Need of Oral Hygiene
Oral hygiene is the practice of keeping the mouth
clean, and is considered to be a means of
prevention of cavities (dental caries),
gingivitis, periodontitis and other dental
disorders. It also helps to prevent bad breath
2emergency dentist
Oral hygiene is necessary for all persons to
maintain the health of their teeth and mouth.
Healthy teeth have fewer cavities. They are clean
and have minimal or no plaque deposits.
3What is a dental emergency?
Any dental problem that requires immediate
treatment to save a tooth, or stop ongoing tissue
bleeding or alleviates severe pain is considered
a dental emergency. Infection in the teeth should
be taken to emergency dentist for the proper
treatment. Oral hygiene is necessary for all
people to maintain the health of their teeth and
mouth. Healthy teeth have fewer cavities. They
are clean and have minimal or no plaque deposits.
4Why do you need to see a Hygienist?
Regular tooth cleaning by the dentist or dental
hygienist is essential to remove plaque that may
develop even with careful brushing and flossing,
especially in areas that are difficult for a
patient to reach on his own at home. Professional
cleaning includes tooth scaling and tooth
polishing and debridement if too much tartar has
accumulated. This involved the use of various
instrument or devices to loosen and remove
deposits from the teeth. Most dentists recommend
having the teeth professionally cleaned every six
5emergency dentist
Indeed the most appropriate course of action is
to see a dentist immediately. An emergency
dentist is always available. Book an appointment
as per your convenience and start the treatment
as early as possible to get relief from the pain.
6Contact Us Address Us 6333 Wilshire Blvd. Suite
312 Beverly Hills, CA 90048 2002 South Hoover
Street Los Angeles, CA 90007 Call Us (310) 666
- 5701 E-Mail Us info_at_doctorarash.com
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