Title: Granite Headstone Suppliers (1)
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2About Us
Serving the community for over 35 years,
professional service guaranteed at all times the
customer is at the heart of everything we
do. Thanet Stone is a well established
monumental and memorial company that has up an
enviable reputation over the last 35 years. We
pride ourselves on our commitment to provide a
professional and speedy service at all times,
whilst maintaining the highest quality of work.
Thanet Stone has a proven track record of
innovative designs, and attention to detail and
our goal is to meet and exceed the expectations
of every customer. We make and fit to the
customers expectations, and all work is carried
out to the highest standards, at very competitive
3Headstone Cleaning Kent
We, at Thanet Stone, specialise in offering
high-quality headstone cleaning Kent and memorial
cleaning services. Feel free to contact us at
01843 822840.
4Black Granite Headstones
Thanet Stones stone masons carve out beautiful
black granite headstones with epitaphs, messages,
or images for inscriptions. Connect us 01843
5Contact Us
116 Monkton Street, Monkton, Ramsgate, Kent CT12
4JQ UK 01843 822 840 thanetstone_at_outlook.com
6Thank You