Title: Down Syndrome Treatment
1Down Syndrome
2Down syndrome
Down syndrome is a common genetic condition that
occurs when a child has an additional copy of
chromosome 21. Chromosomes are structures inside
every human cell that contain DNA. These small
structures, which children inherit from their
parents, play an important role in determining
how a child develops, for example, whether it is
tall or small, black or light skin, curly or
Straight hair.
3Types of Down syndrome
- Trisomy 21, the most common type of Down
syndrome, occurs when 3 are 3 nays than two, No.
21 chromosomes present in each cell of the body. - Translocation Down syndrome This type accounts
for a mini percentage of people with Down
syndrome. - Mosaic Down syndrome This type impress about 2
of the people with Down syndrome.2 Mosaic means
mixture or combination.
4Therapies For Down Syndrome Treatment
- Speech-language therapy can relief children with
Down syndrome improve their communication motor
skills and use language more effectively. A
speech-language therapist can help them to
develop the early motor skills necessary for
communication, such as imitating sounds
5ADDRESS 2529, Sector-35/C ,Chandigarh (U.T.)
IndiaCONTACTS Phone 91-7419502101 91-978
0295562Email info_at_iiahp.comClick on this link
for more details- http//iiahp.com/down-syndrome-
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