Title: NR 601 Inspiring Innovation/tutorialrank.com
1NR 601 Inspiring Innovation/ tutorialrank.com
2NR 601 Inspiring Innovation/ tutorialrank.com
NR 601 Week 1 Case Study Discussions (Part 1)
For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.
com Discussion Part One (graded) You meet
your first patient of the morning. A.K. is a
65-year-old Caucasian male who you are seeing for
the first time. Both wife and daughter are
present. Background
3NR 601 Inspiring Innovation/ tutorialrank.com
NR 601 Week 1 Case Study Discussions (Part 2)
For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.
com Discussion Part Two (graded)
4NR 601 Inspiring Innovation/ tutorialrank.com
NR 601 Week 2 Case Study Discussions(Part-1)
For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.
com Discussion Part One (graded) B.J., a
70-year-old Caucasian female has been seen in the
clinic several times over the last 3 years.
However, she missed her last annual
appointment-last appointment was 18 months ago
and today you are the nurse practitioner seeing
her. She arrived to the clinic alone and states
she is here for my check-up.
5NR 601 Inspiring Innovation/ tutorialrank.com
NR 601 Week 2 Case Study Discussions(Part-2)
For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.
com Discussion Part Two (graded) Physical
examination Vital Signs Height 5 feet 2
inches Weight 163 pounds BMI 29.8 BP 110/70 T
98.0 po P 100 R 22, non-labored
6NR 601 Inspiring Innovation/ tutorialrank.com
NR 601 Week 3 Case Study Discussions(Part-1)
For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.
com Discussion Part One (graded) Katie
Smith, a 65 year-old female of Irish descent, is
being seen in your office for an annual physical
exam. You are concerned since she has rescheduled
her appointment three times after forgetting
about it. She and her
7NR 601 Inspiring Innovation/ tutorialrank.com
NR 601 Week 3 Case Study Discussions(Part-2)
For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.
com Discussion Part Two (graded) Physical
examination Vital Signs
8NR 601 Inspiring Innovation/ tutorialrank.com
NR 601 Week 4 Case Study Discussions(Part-1)
For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.
com Discussion Part One (graded) You are
seeing S.F., a 74-year-old. Hispanic male in the
office this morning for difficulty
9NR 601 Inspiring Innovation/ tutorialrank.com
NR 601 Week 4 Case Study Discussions(Part-2)
For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.
com Discussion Part Two (graded) Physical
examination Vital Signs
10NR 601 Inspiring Innovation/ tutorialrank.com
NR 601 Week 5 Case Study Discussions (Part-1)
For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.
com Discussion Part One (graded) C.W. is
a tall, thin 78-year-old African American male
brought into the office by his son who states
that the patient is restless, angry, and has been
unable to sleep for the last week. The son
indicates that he is very concerned about his
father because he lives alone. Also, he is
concerned about the strange symptoms that his
father has presented with recently.
11NR 601 Inspiring Innovation/ tutorialrank.com
NR 601 Week 5 Case Study Discussions (Part-2)
For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.
com Discussion Part Two (graded) Physical
12NR 601 Inspiring Innovation/ tutorialrank.com
NR 601 Week 6 Case Study Discussions Health
Promotion, Health Protection, Disease Prevention,
and Treatment Considerations in Long-Term Care
(Part-1) For more course tutorials
visit www.tutorialrank.com Discussion Part One
(graded) Ms. S. is a 62-year-old black female
who has returned to the clinic to discuss her
concerns that her lifestyle modifications
13NR 601 Inspiring Innovation/ tutorialrank.com
NR 601 Week 6 Case Study Discussions Health
Promotion, Health Protection, Disease Prevention,
and Treatment Considerations in Long-Term Care
(Part-2) For more course tutorials
visit www.tutorialrank.com Discussion Part Two
14NR 601 Inspiring Innovation/ tutorialrank.com
NR 601 Week 7 Case Study Discussion Health
Promotion, Health Protection, Disease Prevention,
and Treatment Considerations in End-Of-Life Care
(Part-1) For more course tutorials
visit www.tutorialrank.com Discussion Part One
(graded) C.G. is a 69-year-old male with a
history of right head and neck cancer that you
have been following for one year. The
chemotherapy. Recently, the last PET scan
15NR 601 Inspiring Innovation/ tutorialrank.com
NR 601 Week 7 Case Study Discussion Health
Promotion, Health Protection, Disease Prevention,
and Treatment Considerations in End-Of-Life Care
(Part-2) For more course tutorials
visit www.tutorialrank.com Discussion Part Two
16NR 601 Inspiring Innovation/ tutorialrank.com