Title: Criminal Defence Lawyers Perth WA
1Criminal defence lawyers Perth WA
2About Us
Criminal Defence Lawyers are experienced lawyers
in Perth. We work to achieve the best possible
solution for criminal cases of clients. Criminal
defence Lawyers Perth exhibits a good team of
legal criminal defence lawyers and you can take
an appointment to hire defence lawyers.
When you seek the qualified services of criminal
Lawyers in Perth, you are in safe hands. You can
discuss your case in detail and understand the
various consequences. with the perfect advice,
you will be able to make a confident stand in
court under any circumstances
3What Criminal lawyers do?
Criminal lawyers, also known as criminal defence
lawyers and public defenders, That defend for a
individuals, organizations, and entities that
have been charged with a crime. Criminal lawyers
handle a diverse spectrum of criminal cases,
ranging from domestic violence crimes, sex
crimes, violent crimes and drug crimes, driving
drink and drive ,theft, and fraud.
4 Role of Criminal defence Lawyers-
Criminal lawyers represent defendants facing
criminal charges in state, federal and appellate
- Investigate the case and interview with
witnesses of this case - Research case with law, statutes, crimes codes,
and procedural law - Build a defense and develop a case strategy with
the help of witness and charged person. - Draft, file and argue sequence such as motions to
dismiss and motions to suppress - Advocate for the defendant at trial
- Draft, file and argue appeals
Skills for a criminal defence
- Oral and Written advocacy Skills.
- Investigation and research Skills.
- In-depth Understanding of judicial system at apex
court, federal court, etc.
5Our services
Our highly qualified team of experienced Criminal
Defense Lawyers in Perth provide legal
representation and advice in courts all around
Perth and throughout regional Western Australia
- Assault Lawyer
- Computer Crimes Lawyer
- Criminal Damages Lawyer
- Drug Offence Lawyer
- Firearms Lawyer
- Fraud Lawyer
- Burglary Lawyer
- Public Order Lawyer
- Many More..
6contact us
Criminal Defence Lawyers Perth Suite 1, Ground
Floor, 10 Victoria Avenue, Perth WA 6000
consult_at_criminaldefencelawyersperthwa.com.au Phon
e- (08)-62451251