Title: ClearEnglishSpeech - American English Pronunciation Software
1Clear English Speech
Quickly Learn the American Accent! Be
Internationally Understood, Confident, Highly
Successful Receive a FREE Speech Screening! To
help your journey to confidently speak English
2You will be heard the first time Be seen for you
and not your accent.
- Why Speaking better English Really matters
Bolsters self-confidence Gains respect for the
valuable skills you offer Better customer
satisfaction Added social mobility and personal
3We Offer Three Ways to Help You
American Accent Software 1 on 1 Live Training
with a Speech Language Pathologist American
Accent Software 1 on1 Live Training
4Originally created by Ela Britchkow, Speech
Language Pathologist, for her Slavic clients.
The full program is ideal for all nationalities
and languages. If your language, for example,
Chinese, requires additional sounds, we will
provide you with free audio recordings. Are
you tired of being asked? Where are you
originally from? To constantly repeat
yourself? Our American Accent Software Training,
will easily relieve your accent fears. You
will Be clearly and correctly understood
Effortlessly speak with confidence and authority
Attain better paying positions and promotions
CALL 215-322-6781 To Speak to Ela Britchkow,
Speech Therapist, About Your Accent Concerns
5CALL 215-322-6781 Email Contact_at_ClearEnglishSpeec
h.com Visit Website https//www.clearenglishspe
Thank You!