Title: Vastu defect of bedroom, keep in mind
1Vastu defect of bedroom, keep in mind 6 things
related to bedroom
2- Never put the dressing table in front of the
window in the bedroom, because the light coming
from the window will cause you problems.
3- Mirror should not be in front of the bed. If you
have a mirror in front of the bed then you will
always be disturbed and upset.
4- Furniture in the bedroom should not be arched,
crescent-shaped or circular. This keeps the
health of the members of the house poor.
5- Lights in the bedroom are such that there is no
direct light on the bed. The type should always
come from the back or left side.
6The window must be in the bedroom. The morning
rays are good for the coming out of the bedroom.
Do not sleep in the bedroom towards the door.
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