Title: Brian Carroll - Author From Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
1Brian Carroll
Author Visiting Associate Professor at Moravian
2(No Transcript)
3Notwithstanding his academic work, Brian D.
Carroll has served in the Education Department
for various noticeable associations, one of them
being Old Sturbridge Village Museum (MA). He was
likewise the Vice-President for the Thorp Mill
Historical Society (WA).
4Brian Carrolls articles have shown up in the
Oxford University Press 2015 and the Pequot War
5In 1993, Brian Carroll CWU acknowledged a
position as Education Department, Living History
Program at the Strawbery Banke Museum (NH).
Afterward, he served as Education and Collections
Manager, Portsmouth (NH) Region and today, as
told prior, he is a visiting professor at
Moravian College (Pa).
6Brian Carroll got his B.A. in History from Keene
State College (N.H.), his M.A. from the
University of Connecticut where he graduated
summa cum laude with Ph.D. in History where he
later turned into a lecturer.
7Brian Carroll is a visiting professor at Moravian
College (Pa). He is likewise a public
intellectual who writes widely on the historical
backdrop of early American history, Native
American history, and open history.
8His articles and book reviews have shown up in
the William and Mary Quarterly, Early American
Studies, The New England Quarterly, Ethnohistory,
and The Journal of Ethnic History, and other
leading insightful journals.
Find out more about him at his official site