Title: Foot Massage London
1Perplexing Health Benefits of Foot Massage
2After a long day of standing up and walking
around, when our feet tend to swell up, a short
foot massage every now and then can really help
us relax. Sure, everyone enjoys it, else of
making us feel relax, it has many other
benefits. There are several massage techniques
that promise certain health benefits. Traditional
acupressure seeks to improve general health,
therapeutic techniques focus on relaxing the
muscles and joints, and energy flow by acting
upon specific pressure points, aromatherapy uses
scented oils, reflexology pursues to improve
internal organ function by massaging specific
foot areas and relaxing music to add an
additional element of relaxation by acting upon
multiple senses. Well look at some of the
benefits of Foot Massage London, that will be
seen either immediate or felt after a couple of
weeks, even with as little as two to three
sessions per week.
3Improves Circulation Because of an inactive
lifestyle, we have become unusual using our
muscles on a regular basis. Hardly, the muscle of
our feet gets any exercise and circulation is
often reduced by tight and uncomfortable shoes. A
10-20-minute massage session before going to bed
can help improve circulation in the lower
extremities, this is predominantly important for
people suffering from diabetes.
4Helps Prevent Foot and Ankle Injuries
Foot massage help relieve joint pain and aid
recovery after an injury, as well as reduce
muscle soreness. Nevertheless, when massage is
combined with foot and ankle strengthening
exercises and stretching, it speeds up the
recovery of existing injuries as well as prevent
future injuries. A short session of 3-5 times a
week will ensure that you minimize the risk of
5Reduces the Effects of Depression and Anxiety
Studying the results of research done on the
effects of reflexology, showed that frequent
sessions of foot massage significantly reduce
anxiety in cancer patients.
6Helps with Headaches and Migraines
A study conducted in Denmark demonstrated that
after receiving reflexology treatments, people
suffering from headaches and migraines showed
great improvements. The test subjects stopped
taking their medication, and after completing 3
months of treatments, 65 reduced symptoms while
a small number of people got cured.
7Lowers Blood Pressure
Nowadays, High blood pressure has become common.
It can be caused by various things like stress
and an unhealthy diet, however, in most cases, it
showed no reason and comes out to be a result of
environmental factors and genetics.
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