Title: Bachelor of Computer Application – SimpliDistance
1Bachelor of Computer Application
2Bachelor of Computer Application
- Offered By - IGNOU
- Duration - 2 Years Management Studies Post
Graduation - Affiliation - Indira Gandhi National Open
University - Course Fees - Rs 30000/-
3About Course
- The basic objective of the programme is to open a
channel of admission for computing courses for
students, who have done the 102 and are
interested in taking computing/IT as a
career. After acquiring the Bachelors Degree
(BCA) at IGNOU, there is further educational
opportunity to go for an MCA at IGNOU or Masters
Programme at any other University/Institute. Also
after completing BCA Programme, a student should
be able to get entry level job in the field of
Information Technology or ITES.
4Course Structure
Course Code Course Name
FEG-02 Foundation Course in English
ECO-01 Business Organization
BCS-011 Computer Basics and PC Software
BCS-012 Mathematics
BCSL-013 Computer Basics and PC Software Lab Second Month
ECO-02 Accountancy-1
MCS-011 Problem Solving and Programming
MCS-012 Computer Organization and Assembly Language Programming
MCS-015 Communication Skills
MCS-013 Discrete Mathematics
BCSL-021 C Language Programming Lab
BCSL-022 Assembly Language Programming Lab
5- SimpliDistance is a one stop solution if you are
searching for best university that offers
Bachelor of Computer Application course. IGNOU is
the world class University for BCA course.
- SimpliDistance help you to suggest suitable
courses to upgrade their knowledge/skills to grow
in their career. SimpliDistance is the best
Distance Education Portal.
7Thank You