Title: How mobile vehicle ads improve your business!
1How Street Advertising Helps Improve Business
2- One of the tried and true advertising mediums
available and affordable to most small businesses
is outdoor advertising. Street Level posters or
wildposting provides access to entire cities
worth of potential customers.
3As far as advertising dollars go, street
advertising is a relatively low risk and high
return option. Many new and developing businesses
rule out street advertising out-of-hand because
they assume the costs involved are too high.
4mobile vehicle advertising gets your name and
brand into the public consciousness. If a
potential customer wants to walk down the
sidewalk, or wait at a bus stop and not interact
or engage with content.If you are a small
business that does something self-explanatory and
are looking to simply display your contact
information and maybe a basic design.
5There is an inverse relationship between the
quantity of media, content and ideas permeating
the public consciousness and perceived novelty in
the world.
6 Direct comparison with other forms of advertising
places street level as the most cost effective
with a cpm often coming in at under 1. As far as
return on investment goes, street advertising
7 Street advertising makes viewing and considering
advertising more optional and less transactional
(think mandatory 15 second advertisement at the
beginning of a Youtube video) you are putting you
and your brand out there and the reaction you
receive is likely to be more organic, good or
8Obviously you want a positive reaction, and
ideally to convert it into business. The old
axiom fortune favours the bold is cliché, but
like most clichés, holds an element of truth. If
your product is something new, or interesting or
outside the box, advertise accordingly.