Title: Public Vaping Manners and Etiquette
1Public Vaping Manners and Etiquette
Coming under the false sense of security is quite
common. Especially, if you vape minus the
tobacco. You might also think, there is no
tobacco there, and the rules dont apply to you.
But you are very wrong. What you need to know is
that e-cigs law covers all e-cigs use, not just
those that contain nicotine. However, there are
some dos and donts that you must know about when
buying ecigs online.
3In The Workplace
The location is subjected to the federal and
local law. Now, if the law doesnt restrict
vaping, it might be a minefield. The best thing
that you can do is to step outside. But, if there
are no exit or balcony nearby, you can vape near
an open window or an area with increased airflow.
This way you would not affect any other co worker
around you.
4On Your Public Transit Commute
Most of the public transportations bans smoking
of all types. Whether its vaping an e-cig or
smoking a traditional cigarette, you simply
cannot. However, you can read the instructions
often placed on the walls of the public
transports, if you really want to vape. It is
better if you dont since other travellers might
object on that.
5Near Children or Pets
If you dont smoke around your kids, then you
shouldnt vape around them. Also, if you smoke
around your kids and pets, which of course you
shouldnt, you should still not vape in front of
them. The PG content in the e-juices tends to be
harmful to the pets, especially dogs and cats. It
leads to anemia. In case of kids too, it might be
harmful, so stay away from them when vaping.
6Around Non-Smokers
Just like traditional smokers have become
accustomed to asking if they can smoke, you must
also ask non-smokers if you can vape near them.
You might also have to explain what vaping is all
about if they dont know. But if your friend has
a question, it gives you the chance to correct
any misinformation that might have about vaping.
Also, find out if they are comfortable with you
vaping near them.
7Around Traditional Cigarette Smokers
If you have switched from smoking to vaping, you
might feel happy with the accomplishment. In
fact, you might want to coerce or pressurize your
smoking friends to switch to vaping. But this is
not the right etiquette to preach or to talk to
others. You shouldnt criticize the smoking
friends. Instead, you must establish yourself as
a resource so they can come to you if they have
questions related to buying ecigs online.
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