Title: APWASI - Professionals Wine Courses
1Asia Pacific Wine Spirit Institute(APWASI)
- International Wine Education Providers
2About us
APWASI is a non-profit organization in Vancouver,
Canada. This was established in 2015 by a group
of wine and spirit educators, with the intention
of satisfying the growing interest and need in
- We are excited and encouraged, to be the first to
meet the needs of this emerging market.
3 Well Known Professional Wine
Ice Wine
Spirit Courses
Sparkling Wine
4(No Transcript)
5 APWASI International Wine Certifications
6Why Choose APWASI ?
- Tour and Travelling in wine country, offering a
way to meet the different people, knowing where
to go, having the right contacts and also
discovering brilliant wine producers. Winemakers
share new experiences and give a brief knowledge
that will helps us in future.
7- Did Travelling in France, Italy, South Africa
etc, Countries
8Affiliated Organizations
To Get the best wine and spirits courses in
london that will helps to develop your career
connect to APWASI that is internationally
recognized for both wine and spirits courses.
APWASI has wide range of affiliations that are
written below Whisky Ambassador (UK) Consejo
De Regulador De Xeres (Spain) Sake World
(Japan) Vinoscenti (Canada)
9To Stay Connected with us visit our website
- Address Vancouver, BC Canada
- Call on 1-833-279-2748
- Website https//apwasi.com/