What are Branded fare and its Benefits? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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What are Branded fare and its Benefits?


When an airline chooses to bundle its airfares with options and features, such as refundability and miles accrual, or a pre-reserved seat, baggage, and meal, it is branding fares. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: dubioustad


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: What are Branded fare and its Benefits?

C6rry en oltowenc.t
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Scat s?lectmn W l1al are Branded f are and i t s
Benef its?
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process... eble erended Far Apphcllb e on y for
Sabre GOS) Enable Brended Feres for Multi-Brand
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\\/ hen a n a i rl i ne ch ooses lo bu ndle i t
s a i rf a res w i t h opt ions a n d feat u
res, u ch as rcf u nda bi l i t y a n d 111i
lcs accru a l, or a pre-reser rcd seal, baggage,
and n1ca l, i t i s bra nding f ares.
'f h csc service of f eri ngs f a l l i n t o t h
e f ollow i ng ca t egories

l. ()n boa rd sales of rood and bcrcragcs
  • Ch eck i ng of ba ggage an d excess baggage
  • 1\ ssign cd sca t s, pref erred scats (w indow
    or aisle) or scat s w i t h addit ional leg
  • Ca ll cen t er su pport f or resena t ions
  • 5. Fees cha rge for pu rchases n1ad e w i t h
    cred i t card
  • ltgt. Pr i ori Iy ch eck -i n a n d screen ing
  • 7. Earl y boa rd i ng ben ef i t s
  • 8. ()n boa rcl c11 l cr t a i n n1en l sy st
  • 9. \1V i rel css i n t er n et access

W h a t
a r e t h e b e n e f i t s ?
You can access Bran d ed Fare l"ea lu rcs t h a
t go bey on d basic a ir f are ru l es.
Y cgtu r cu slon1ers gain val u able in f or n1a t
i ltgtn abou t t h e ben ef i t s of Bran ded Far
es. Y ou gain a con si st en t overvie\\' of t
h e Bra n cl eel Fare n1essage f ro1n air l in e
to t rav eler. You can i n crease rev en u es
by sell i ng h i gh er Branded Fares lo n1eet
t ravelers co1n pl ele f are an d associated ben
ef i t requ i re1n en t s. Y ou n1ai n t ai
n you r posi t i on as i n d u st ry experts.
Tl1e Com pa r ison Ch ar t display s t l1e at t r
ibu tes of each f are brand, so y ou can ef f
ectively commu n icate it s valu e propositions
to y ou r t raveler.
Pa r l ia I d igt pla y below ,
Be rn re 10 read a n y fool n oles in clu d ed
al t h e bollom of t h e ch ar t.
Onboard Experience Compar ison
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