Title: 1st Dump Truck Service
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Need Clean Fill Dirt to level out commercial or
residential property, pool fill-in or any other
type of industrial project? We got you covered,
simply call us for "FREE DIRT" and other trucking
service. Rlease Note-This request is a way of
getting "FREE DIRT" and is available as first
come basis, at times the dirt can become
available the same day depending on the job and
it will be delivered most of the time via dump
trucks (10-12 yards). There's a small delivery
fee to offset the fuel cost to deliver the dirt
outside the job area. We have jobs throughout
the city of Houston and surrounding areas, please
let us know if you have a dirt request and we
will do our best to fulfil your request as soon
as the material becomes available. We understand
how important it is to find the right company for
the job. While most of our work is completed in
the greater Houston area, we do travel outside
our primary coverage area to meet the needs of
our clients.
Covered Counties
Harris County Waller County Fort Bend County
Montgomery County Liberty County Brazoria County
Galveston County Chambers County
www.1stDumpTruckService.com Call or text (713)