Title: Victoria Films
2The Montreal chapter for the Global Game Jam is
about to begin . Participants from all over the
world get together in order to create a video
game. Based on a theme, they have to come up with
a prototype over the course of a weekend . Thus
here we are ladies and gentlemen, ready to
rock! So from Friday 6PM to Sunday 6PM the world
freezes for all of us and each team is gathered
to brainstorm, design, model program and sound
design a game. 865 game jam at the same time
around the world, it brings industry
professionals, hobbyists and students
together. And this years theme ishold on to
your hats ltgt
3We at Victoria Films love this kind of creative,
physical and mental challenge. Stay tuned, for
more news about the results and in the
mean -time, feel free to shoot our 72 Pilots team
few encouragements and messages, especially
around 2a.m and 6a.m when all the cats are asleep
and we are about to give up too
4This is not a competition There is nothing to win
except the pleasure of creating. Its a moment of
work, concentration, exchange, madness Brief
history In 2008, Susan Gold, a member of the IGDA
(US) decided to create a global Jam based on the
Indie Game Jam, Ludum Dareand Nordic Game Jam.
Developed by IGDA (International Game Developers
Association), the Global Game Jam is since 2013 a
non-profit associationthat continues to grow and
attract more and more jammers.If you would like
to know more, please visit The Montreal Game Jam