Title: John De Titta - Independent Filmmaker
1John De Titta
Independent Filmmaker, Director, Producer, and
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3John DeTitta has great knowledge and
understanding of film and music industry. He is a
great entrepreneur.
4John Eric DeTitta is truly a technology innovator
who has formed patented charitable giving apps
that allowed organizations to gather funds in the
best possible way so as to fulfill their funding
5John DeTitta is a wonderful innovator who has put
forward award-winning work and his partnership
was with Ms. Monet on EP was a big hit. He wrote
lyrics and composed music too.
6John Eric DeTitta is familiar with the process of
production and he managed various steps while
looking for a suitable production house for his
screenplay. His learning capacity has helped him
learn a number of things regarding the film
7The screenplay that he wrote intrigued some of
the most recognized producers. After it, he
stepped away from the screenplay and left what
would soon become a 200,000,000 movie project
and winner of several academy awards.
8John Eric DeTitta is also involved in the
formation of web series and films. He is a
multitalented and versatile professional having
wide-ranging experience of various fields.
To know more about him visit his official site