Title: Payroll Management System
1Payroll OnDemand
Payroll Management Software
2Introduction - Payroll OnDemand
Payroll OnDemand system is a complete ERP
employee automation software that includes all
types of Management Administration profile as
Time Office, Salary wages, Reimbursement,
Arrears, TDS, HRD etc.
3Features of Payroll OnDemand
- Payroll Management
- Time Office Management
- Leave Management
- Appraisal Management
- Claim Reimbursement
- Full final Settlement
- Letters Document
- Employee self service
- Multi company
- Multi Location
- Control Panel
4Why Payroll OnDemand?
Easy to access
Integrated features
5About us
Payroll OnDemand (Payroll Management System)
Software is developed by HR Software Solutions
Pvt. Ltd. HRSS is an ISO 90012008 certified
software development company in India for
Payroll, School, Hospital, Visitor and many more
management software.
6Contact us
HR Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd Building No.
46/4, Okhla Estate Marg, Pocket E, Okhla Phase
II, Okhla Industrial Area New Delhi, Delhi
110020 Phone no 91-846 886 1008 Website