Title: ECET 490 Enthusiastic Study--snaptutorial.com
1ECET 490 Enthusiastic Study--snaptutorial.com
2ECET 490 Enthusiastic Study--snaptutorial.com
ECET 490 Week 2 Homework For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com ECET 490 Week 2
3ECET 490 Enthusiastic Study--snaptutorial.com
ECET 490 Week 3 Homework For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com ECET 490 Week 3
4ECET 490 Enthusiastic Study--snaptutorial.com
ECET 490 Week 4 Homework For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com 2. Process 1 sends
three messages successively to process 2. What is
the possible order in which the messages may
arrive at process 2 if 3. In the setSoToimeout
method for theDatagramSocket (or other classes),
what happens if the timeout period is set to 0?
Does it mean that the timeout happens
immediately? Consult the online Java API t find
the answer. 4. Write a Java code fragment that
may appear in a main method to open a datagram
socket for receiving a datagram up to 100 bytes,
timing out in 5 seconds. If a timeout does occur,
message timed out on receive should be
displayed on screen.
5ECET 490 Enthusiastic Study--snaptutorial.com
ECET 490 Week 4 iLab For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com TCP Rental Car
Client/Server part 2 Summary (two sentences)
Code a Rental Car Client/Server project
multi-threaded in Week 4 using TCP. Use the
appropriate data streams to build the management
system for this project.
6ECET 490 Enthusiastic Study--snaptutorial.com
ECET 490 Week 5 Homework For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Page 179 Exercise 6
(a, b) 6.This exercise uses EchoServer1
andEchoClient1, which use connectionless datagram
sockets for the Echo service. Compile Echo1.java
(javac Echo1.java). Then a.Run the programs by
starting the server first (dont forget to
specify a port number as a command-line
argument), then the client. Conduct a session and
observe the diagnostic messages displayed on both
sides. Describe your observations of the sequence
of events.
7ECET 490 Enthusiastic Study--snaptutorial.com
ECET 490 Week 5 iLab Rental Car Client Server
using Java RMI For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Rental Car
Client/Server using Java RMI Summary (two
sentences) Code a Rental Car Client/Server
project multi-threaded in Week 5 using Java RMI.
Define a remote interface server and client using
some of the week 4 code already written or
8ECET 490 Enthusiastic Study--snaptutorial.com