Title: Myobrace - Luminous Dentistry
The natural way to strenghten teeth
2What is Myobrace ?
Myobrace is a no-braces orthodontic approach to
help straighten your teeth and jaws. Treatment
addresses the poor oral habits that are the real
cause of crooked teeth.
The Myobrace
appliance is used in conjunction with Orofacial
Myofunctional Therapy and can be prescribed to
children from the age of just three years old. It
can also be recommended for adult patients in
some cases.
3The 4 phases of treatment
- Make Effective Presentations
- Using Awesome Backgrounds
- Engage your Audience
- Capture Audience Attention
- Make Effective Presentations
- Using Awesome Backgrounds
- Engage your Audience
- Capture Audience Attention
How does Myobrace treatment work?
Myobrace treatment comprises of four main steps
which commences with an initial consultation at
which point, a treatment process is established.
Expectations are set and detailed information
about the treatment plan and associated therapy
are discussed with the patient, including
dedicating time towards changing habitual
4 How long is Myobrace treatment?
Generally, Myobrace treatment is similar to that
of regular braces treatment. The difference
between the two methods is that instead of being
fixed to the teeth, the Myobrace appliance is
easily removable and only requires one to two
hours of use each day, as well as being worn
overnight while sleeping..
Visit us at 1/441 The Entrance Rd Long
Jetty NSW 2261 Contact 02 4334 1383
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